India is Becoming The New Destination For IVF Solutions! Know Why?


What is IVF?

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the treatment for infertility in which sperm and eggs are combined in a laboratory. The resulting embryos are tested in a laboratory for quality and one or more are placed in the uterus through the cervix.

IVF is by far the most commonly used high-tech infertility treatment.


India an emerging destination for IVF Solution

India is evolving as a new medical tourism destination. With the advent of latest and the most sophisticated techniques, India has achieved an immense reputation.

The cost of Ivf treatment in India is between Rs 2,50,001 ($3501 approx) to Rs 4,50,001 ($6501 approx). It may cost you as low as 1,50,001 ($2501 approx) but nothing less than that but comparatively lower and pocket-friendly when compared to other developed countries like USA and UK where the cost is $12,001 approx.

Mumbai, Pune, Kolkata, Chennai have the best IVF treatment centers in India. Delhi is one of the developed city in India. You will surely find an IVF Centre in Delhi meeting all your expectations.

IVF statistics

The Cycle of IVF

The cycle of In Vitro Fertilization starts with drug treatment to control the ovulation. The most common method used in this process is by taking nasally administered gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogue (GnRH) for five days.

It will result in shut down of the ovaries, this drug will be followed by taking of an injection called as Follicle-stimulating Hormone (FSH) for next ten days. This will result in stimulating the formation of multiple eggs inside the body.

To know the most suitable time for removing of eggs from follicles in the ovaries, you can also go for blood test and ultrasound tests. This will be done by a surgery after 36 hours of an injection of chorionic gonadotrophin (Hcg).

The sperm of patient’s partner is mixed with the eggs. The sperm has been donated on the same day.

Now the mixture of the egg and sperm is incubated inside a glass dish and kept it for the period of 2-5 days till the fertilized egg is fully developed.

This develops eggs are injected into the uterus of the female by a catheter inserted into the vagina. After this, the patient should remain in bed for some hours. Many time surgeons insert multiple eggs to increase the chances of successful pregnancy, although this may also result in increasing the chance of multiple births.

The remaining embryos were kept frozen for future attempts if the first attempt fails.

How Long Will IVF Take?

It takes about four to six weeks to complete one cycle of IVF. There is a waiting period of a few weeks for eggs to mature.

Once the eggs are matured the couple needs to go to the clinic for egg retrieval and fertilization.

The embryos are inserted into the uterus five days post egg retrieval and fertilization.


What is success rate in IVF?

There are a few factors we need to consider.   A couple’s reason for infertility and their ages is one of the major factors. Young women usually higher success rates because they have healthier eggs. Following are some statistics you need to check

  • 41 percent for women age 35 and under
  • 32 percent for women age 36 to 38
  • 22 percent for women age 39 to 41
  • 12 percent for women age 42 to 43
  • 6 percent for women age 42 and over


What are the pros of IVF?

  • Successful track record.IVF is the oldest assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedure and it is since 1979. IVF has been used long enough for researchers to have done extended health studies on the children conceived using this method. So far, no medical problems have been directly linked to the procedure.
  • No link to cancer.Recent studies have shown there is no risk of cancer since there is no connection between ovulation-inducing fertility drugs and cancer.
  • Improved techniques.Since there is a consistent and accurate research the techniques for IVF treatment have improved that is influential in enhancing success rate for the treatment.


What are the cons of IVF?

  • Costly and time-consuming. Fertilizing your eggs outside of your body is a very costly affair. Monitoring the response to fertility drugs need a lot of time, with frequent trips to the doctor’s office for ultrasounds and blood tests.
  • Odds of multiples. The chances of having twins or more are about 21 percent since more than one embryo may be placed in the uterus. Multiple fetuses increase the risk of miscarriage and other complications, such as preterm labor.
  • The risk of ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy occurs when embryo implants in a fallopian tube or the abdominal cavity rather than in the uterus. It’s treated with the medication methotrexate or by surgically removing the embryo to prevent it from severely injuring the mother by continuing to grow.
  • Potential complications for the baby. Babies conceived with IVF treatments are more likely to be born prematurely or have a low birth weight. There might be a higher risk of birth defects. But experts aren’t sure whether that’s from the factors that cause infertility (such as age) or the treatments.
  • It may not work. Up to 21 percent of IVF cycles may be canceled before eggs are retrieved, usually, because not enough follicles developed. Reducing the risk of OHSS is another reason for cancellation.



IVF treatment is widely accepted and is gradually getting recognition in India especially, IVF Centre in Delhi is very affordable for the treatment. Personally, want to suggest any couple longing for parenthood should consider IVF treatment as their dream of having a child may soon turn into a reality. Have tried my best to cover all the necessary topics.  For any other information, you can log on to





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