Yoga For Glowing Skin: 10 Poses That Can Do Wonders

yoga poses-for-skin-care

Everyone longs for a beautiful, supple, and glowing skin. However, pollution, dirt, harmful sun rays, and various external and internal factors make it hard for an individual to embrace the perfect flawless skin. The urge to look beautiful makes us resort to extravagant beauty products and treatments for skin rejuvenation that lasts only a moment. For lasting results, trust the traditional beauty secrets passed down to us by our ancestors, the age-old system of yoga. Restore that youthful glow in your skin with Yoga poses.

The art of yoga is well-known to be potent for everything from making the body supple to strengthening the core. But to your surprise, it is equally effective for treating skin problems and making it healthy. Yoga provides all sorts of tools: postures, breathing techniques, and meditation that strengthen, cure, and beautify your inner health whose results are reflected outwards. A routine practice of below yoga poses detoxifies the skin, feeds the cells with nutrients, enhances blood circulation, and embellishes you with stunning beauty.

Take a glance at the best 10 yoga poses for a healthy and glowing skin:

1. Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)

Begin in a mountain pose. Exhale and widen your feet 2-3 inches apart. Broaden your shoulder blades, outstretch your arms parallel to the sides, palms down. Turn your left foot towards the right and project the right foot out at a 90-degree angle.


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As you breathe out, twist your torso to your right side over the right leg. Fold forward at the hips keeping the tailbone long. Place the right palm on the floor beside the right foot. Extend the left arm up towards the ceiling. Gaze at the left thumb.

2. Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

Stand straight on a yoga mat with feet close to each other and arms at your side. Release your shoulders blades away from the ears. Make sure your body weight is evenly distributed across the arches of the feet.


(Image Source: Wikipedia)

Inhale, stretch your arms straight up and fold them in prayer mudra. Look ahead and take several deep breaths.

3. Fish Pose (Matsyasana)

Comfortably lie on your back on the floor. Keep your legs extended and feet together. As you breathe in, lift your pelvis bone off the floor and gently bring your hands under it. Now, place your hips on the back of the hands and tuck your forearms and elbows to your torso.


(Image Source: Wikipedia)

Inhale, pressing the forearms into the floor raise your head and upper torso and create an arch with your back and chest. Gently release the head back on the ground. Place a minimal weight on your head.

4. Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana)

Lie in a supine position. Bring your knees towards your chest, resting the hands on the floor with elbows hugged close to your sides. Press your palms down to the floor to lift your hips above a yoga mat with knees still bent. Move your hands to your lower back near your hips. Lengthen your torso and rest your body weight on your shoulders.


(Image Source: Wikipedia)

Align your knees over your hips and gently straighten your legs upward. Create a straight line from your heels to your shoulders.

5. Plow Pose (Halasana)

From shoulder stand pose, bend your hips and lower your toes towards the ground beyond the head. Try to keep your torso perpendicular to the floor. Stretch your legs fully.


(Image Source: Carter Twitty)

Draw your chin away from the sternum and keep your hands pressed against the back torso. To release the pose, come back into Sarvangasana and come out of the pose with an exhalation.

6. Downward-Facing Dog Pose (Adho-Mukha Svanasana)

Begin in a tabletop position with wrists under your shoulders and knees beneath the posterior. Exhale, tuck your toes inward, lift your knees up and elevate your hips.


(Image Source: YouQueen)

Stretch behind one leg at a time and come into an upside down position. Do not hang your head and look at your navel.

7. Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana)

Stand with a straight back and hands on either side of your body. As you breathe in, stretch your arms overhead and with an exhalation, bend forward at the hips keeping your legs straight.


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Try to hold the ankles with your hands or rest the palms on the ground. Let your head hang freely and close your eyes.

8. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

Lie on your stomach with feet and arms on the floor. Keep your legs few inches apart from each other. Take a deep breath to lift your chest, torso, and head off the floor.


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Rest your navel on the ground. Slightly tilt your head backward and look up at the sky.

9. Wind-Relieving Pose (Pawanmuktasana)

Rest on the floor with bent knees. Draw your knees towards your chest and clasp them your hands. Keep the thighs pressed against the abdomen. Now, release your left leg back to the floor keeping the right one in place. Repeat the same with your right leg.


(Image Source: Wikipedia)

Finally, bring both the knees to the chest firmly grasped in hands and release both the legs back to the floor.

10. Camel Pose (Ustrasana)

Kneel on a yoga mat with knees hip-width apart. Keep your thighs and hips vertical to the floor. Reach behind with your hands and hold your heels. Tilt your head back and lift your chest forward.


(Image Source: What Therapy)

Embrace yoga and make it a part of your daily life and grant yourself the eternal fountain of a healthy and beautiful skin.


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