Vitamin C – Deficiency, Dosage and Sources

Vitamin C Sources

As we know, Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can help to increase antioxidant levels in our blood.

In our recent article, we have also covered a few benefits of Vitamin C for health and overall fitness.

Since our body can’t produce Vitamin C of its own, thus, we need to depend on its sources, natural or supplements.

Health experts recommend to consume Vitamin C from natural resources, but some people prefer supplements too to meet their requirements.

What Are The Best Vitamin C Sources?

Before deciding on to go for Vitamin C sources, let’s know more about Vitamin C dosage, and its deficiency first.

Common Symptoms of Vitamin C Deficiency

If you are suffering from any of these following symptoms, then you are might facing Vitamin C deficiency:

  • Poor immune system
  • Dry and splitting hair
  • Bright red hair follicles
  • Painful and swollen joints
  • Dry, rough and damage skin
  • Slow healing of wounds
  • Weak bones
  • Bleeding gums and tooth loss
  • Poor mood and fatigue
  • Weak resistance against infections

Recommended Vitamin C Dosage:

Below are the details of the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of Vitamin C intake when taken for general health:


  • 0 – 06 Months:    40 Mg/Day
  • 07 – 12 Months:  50 Mg/Day
  • 01 – 03 Years:      15 Mg/Day
  • 04 – 08 Years:      25 Mg/Day
  • 09 – 13 Years:      45 Mg/Day

Adults (Male):

  • 14 – 18 Years:      75 Mg/Day
  • 19 and above:      90 Mg/Day

Adults (Females):

  • 14 – 18 Years:      65 Mg/Day
  • 19 and above:      75 Mg/Day

Females (Pregnant):

  • 14 – 18 Years:      80 Mg/Day
  • 19 and above:      85 Mg/Day

Females (Breastfeeding):

  • 14 – 18 Years:      115 Mg/Day
  • 19 and above:      120 Mg/Day

Other Recommendations:

People who often smoke should intake 35 milligrams per day. Also, people who are suffering from a deficiency of Vitamin C should intake between 100 to 200 Milligrams per day to normalize their blood levels.

Natural Sources of Vitamin C

According to health experts, the best sources of Vitamin C intake for the body are fruits and vegetables.

Consuming a variety of these healthful Vitamin C sources will help deficient people to meet their daily Vitamin C requirements. So, let’s move on to these best sources of Vitamin C, which are as follows:

1 – Papayas


Eating about one cup serving (145 grams) of papaya is helpful to provide around 87 Mg of Vitamin C need.

As per reports, papaya contains around 62 Mg of Vitamin C per 1oo grams. Thus, one cup of papaya is sufficient to provide about 87 Mg of Vitamin C.

2 – Red Pepper


Red pepper is one of the best natural Vitamin C sources that contains up to 95 milligrams per 1/2 cup.

It is also a great source of Vitamins A, B, E and K along with magnesium, phosphorus, folate and potassium.

So, don’t wait at all. Slice one and dice it into your salad, pasta, macaroni, maggie or an omelette.

3 – Lemons


During the 1700s, lemons were provided to sailors to prevent the problem of scurvy.

One whole lemon contains about 83 Milligrams of Vitamin C to the body which makes it a high source of Vitamin C.

The antioxidant property of Vitamin C can prevent cut vegetables and fruits from turning brown due to exposure to oxygen.

4 – Kiwi Fruit


Kiwis are one of the high Vitamin C sources which contain 71 Mg of Vitamin C to fulfil body needs.

Some reports have also shown that Vitamin C rich kiwifruit may help lower down cholesterol levels and reduce oxidative stress.

Most of the people prefer to peel kiwis first, but the skin of Kiwifruit contain fiber and nutrients too. Just ensure to wash them first.

5 – Broccoli

Image Source:

Consuming a ½ cup of cooked broccoli can provide about 50 Mg of Vitamin C to your body.

Broccoli is also a high source of fiber and plenty of several antioxidants that may help to keep inflammation down.

The best method to cook broccoli is to steam it for five minutes or less as it may help the veggie preserve Vitamin C properties inside as compared to other ways like boiling.

6 – Guavas


Native to South America and Mexico, this well-known tropical fruit contains around 126 Milligrams of Vitamin C.

Rich in the antioxidant lycopene, single guava is enough to fulfil the Vitamin C requirements of the body.

7 – Cauliflower

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A cup full of cauliflower may contain about 40 Mg of Vitamin C, which is a decent quantity.

Consuming cauliflower would also supply a good source of folate, vitamin K, and fiber to the body.

To leverage its Vitamin C properties, it’s always good to steam or roast it with a bit of olive oil.

8 – Strawberries


A cup of strawberries halves may provide 89 milligrams of Vitamin C along with flavonoids, manganese, folate and beneficial antioxidants.

Some studies have shown that rich in high antioxidant properties strawberries may help prevent vascular disease, cancer, diabetes and dementia.

9 – Grapefruit Juice


A glass full of grapefruit juice may contain about 70 to 90 Mg of Vitamin C that is what fulfils your need for the day.

If you don’t prefer the sour taste, you can go for orange juice as well, which is also one of the high vitamin C sources to complete body needs.

10 – Kale (Leaf Cabbage)


Consuming 1 cup of chopped fresh kale may provide about 80 milligrams of Vitamin C to the body.

Also, 1 cup of cooked kale can offer 53 Mg along with carotenoids lutein, Vitamin K and zeaxanthin.

Cooking this veggie reduces its Vitamin C properties, but frying, steaming or boiling help in release more of its antioxidants which help reduce chronic inflammatory diseases.

11 – Oranges


Intake of 1 medium-size orange may fulfil about 70 milligrams of vitamin C need for the body.

Consumes worldwide, oranges contribute a significant portion of dietary Vitamin C intake like some other citrus fruits of this league.

12 – Tomatoes


Easily accessible in your kitchen, tomatoes are one of the best sources of Vitamin C for a human body.

Eating a medium raw tomato will provide you about 20 milligrams of Vitamin C while vitamin levels go down when you cook tomatoes.

Eat fresh tomatoes on a sandwich at breakfast and cooked tomatoes for lunch or dinner to get all its benefits.

Final Note:

Vitamin C is essential for the heart, immune system, blood vessel, related tissues and among a few other body function.

Thus, not consuming enough of this Vitamin may cause several negative effects on our health.

You can fulfil your body needs by eating Vitamin C rich foods suggested above, which contains both fruits and vegetables.

Supplements for Vitamin C are also available as capsules, tablets, gummies, effervescent powder, and chewable tablets.

A decent Vitamin C rich diet is an essential move toward disease prevention, good health and happy life.


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