Split Ends Problem? 11 Top Home Remedies For Split Ends Treatment

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Hair is one of the essential parts of the human body which puts the extra value to your personality. According to the sources, blonde has an average amount of 150,000 hairs on head, but, due to lack of care, pollution, low-quality beauty products and unbalance lifestyle leading many people towards split ends problem and this can be seen in women the most which may lead to hair fall as a result if not take proper care on time.

Here Are Some Major Causes of Split Ends Problem:

Although, there are many reasons behind the problem of split ends. But, below are the most common and well-known factors behind split ends:

  1. Over washing of hair
  2. Lack of water consumption
  3. Using hot water to wash hair
  4. Not oiling the hair on a regular basis
  5. High exposure to pollution, heat, and dust
  6. Stress, lack of nutrient and moisture in hair
  7. Take shower with hard or chlorine mixed water
  8. Excessive use of cosmetic products like hair serum, gel, and sprays


Well, there is no need to worry and no requirement to reach out to an expensive salon or dermatologist either! Just find these below ingredients in your kitchen cupboard or refrigerator for treating the split ends.

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11 Top Home Remedies for the Treatment of Split Ends Problem:

1 – Honey For Hair

We all know that there are various benefits of honey for skin, but, when it comes to natural remedies for slip ends treatment, honey is recommended by various experts as one of the best natural treatments without any harm to hair.

How to use:

  • Take a spoon full of honey and mix it with some curd
  • Now, give a gentle massage to your hair with this mixture, especially at the ends of hair
  • To get the better results, keep this mixture stay on your hair for at least 20 minutes
  • Rinse your hair afterward.


2 – Egg Treatment

There is no doubt that eggs are the best source of protein and essential fatty acids which supplement your hair for proper growth and strengthen. There are various ways to use eggs for split ends, some easy steps are below:

How to use eggs for split ends treatment:

  • Take an egg yolk and mix it with 1 tablespoon of honey and 2 or 3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • Now, apply onto your hair and leave it on for about 30 minutes
  • Rinse it off properly and shampoo your hair.
  • Alternatively, you can also pour orange juice and a banana in eggs to apply on hair as an egg mask
  • In addition, you can also mix an egg with 1 teaspoon of almond oil. Now, apply on hair and leave it on for about 20-30 minutes and then rinse it out properly.

To get the fast and better results, you can use egg on your hair once a week


3 – Deep Conditioning with Hot Oil

Moisturizing properties of oils can be the best option to treat the problem of split ends. According to various experts, deep conditioning with hot oil helps your hair to restore required moisture, which in turn helps control split ends as a result.

Thus it is very crucial to regularly deep condition your hair with hot oils to get healthier hair. Here are some easy steps to deep condition your hair with hot oil:

  • Take some coconut oil, olive oil, castor oil or almond oil in a bowl and for about 20 seconds slightly heat it in the microwave.
  • Now, gently and properly massage it onto your hair and scalp with fingertips
  • For good results, leave it on for about 45 minutes and then shampoo your hair properly.
  • It is good to repeat this method at least once a week

4 – Castor Oil

Castor oil is also one of the best home remedies to get rid of split ends effectively. Here is how you can use castor oil for better results:

  • Mix castor oil with mustard or olive oil in equal amount
  • Now, gently massage your hair with this mixture to get split ends free hair
  • It is recommended to wrap your hair with a towel or shower cap and leave it for about 30 minutes
  • Rinse it off properly with shampoo.


5 – Treatment with Avocado

Avocado is the great home remedy when treating split ends is concerned. Avocado works as an excellent deep conditioner due to its properties contains essential fatty acids, vitamins A, D and E, magnesium and folic acid which nourish your hair for rich growth.

Here is how you can use Avocado for better results:

  • Take an avocado and mash it properly until it looks like gel
  • Now, gently massage it into your damp hair with fingertips, coating the split ends
  • Rinse it out properly after 30 minutes.


6 – Beer

The beer has some good properties like protein and sugar to give the essential supplement to your damaged hairs. Beer can be used as a conditioner in order to provide shine and smoothness to your hair.

Here is how you can get the best out of it:

  • Apply beer to your hair after shampoo
  • Leave it for around 2-3 minutes
  • Rinse it off properly. You can also leave it without rinsing it out, but keep in mind that the smell of the beer will take a little time to goes away


7 – Use Chamomile Tea

Chamomile Tea is one of the top natural remedies to counter split ends and crimped hair effectively. The process is even simple, all you need is to give your damaged hair a gentle rinse of chamomile tea.

  • Take a few chamomile tea bags and Steep in boiling water
  • Let it cool first
  • Now, rinse your hair properly with this solution to effectively treat your hair from split ends.


8 – Cream and Milk

Moisture is essential for your hair to remain smooth and supple, thus, the mixture of cream and milk can be the best escape for you when it comes to providing ample moisture to your hair for split ends treatment, hair repair and growth.

  • Take 1 tablespoon of cream and mix it with 1 ½ cup of fresh milk
  • Now, gently rinse your hair with this mixture and leave it for about 15 to 20 minutes
  • Then rinse it off properly and shampoo your hair
  • To get the better results, do this method once a week for a few months


9 – Bananas

Bananas have some rich properties including, vitamins A, C, and E, potassium, natural oils, iron and zinc which helps in naturally restore firmness of your damaged hair. In addition, bananas help in repair, moisturize and soften your hair.

Here are the steps to make a banana mask for split ends treatment:

  • Take one banana and blend it with 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt, lemon juice, and a little rose water
  • Now, apply this hair mask on your hair.
  • To get the best results, leave it on for around 1 hour and then wash it off properly.
  • Repeat this process once or twice a week.


10 – Use Papaya

When it comes to nourishing your hair, Papaya has the properties which contain essential protein that better helps in nourish your damaged hair which reduces split ends as a result. In addition, it also helps in restore natural shine and softness of your hair.

  • Ripe a papaya and take half cup of fresh yogurt (Dahi)
  • Now, blend this mixture to make a pulpy paste
  • For better results, apply this solution as a hair mask for about 30 minutes and wash it off.


11 – Aloe Vera

There is no doubt that Aloe Vera has various great properties for natural treatment of skin problems. But, it also works as a great source of moisturizer to treat dry and damaged hair prone to split ends. In addition, it also it helps in hair growth and prevents hair loss.

  • Take 1-2 leaves of Aloe Vera and peel it off to extract the gel from it
  • Now, take this gel and simply massage into your hair
  • Leave it for around 30 minutes and then shampoo your hair
  • To get the best results, you can add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and two teaspoons castor or olive oil
  • Apply this method 2 or 3 times in a week for a few months.

If you have no Aloe Vera plant around to use this method, you can also use natural Aloe Vera shampoo around 2 or 3 times a week.

So, below we also bring to you some preventive measures to take care of your hair to avoid split ends:

  • Try to get your hair trimmed every 2 months
  • Avoid brushing wet hair
  • Try not to give excessive exposure to sun, pollution, and dust
  • Use quality conditioner for your hair
  • Avoid using hot water to rinse your hair
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Apply oil on regular intervals
  • Avoid unnecessary usage of cosmetic products
  • It is good to cover your hair with a scarf or bandana while going out

Although these home remedies for split ends treatment are pocket-friendly and will benefit your hair without any harm, apart from using these natural remedies, this is your responsibility to take good care of your hair.


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