How To Lose Belly Fat – The Ultimate Guide


Belly Fat – What is it?

Visceral fat, also known as belly fat – we’re all familiar with it. One of the hardest places to lose fat is the abdomen, and by far, the most dangerous. Belly fat lowers your self-esteem and shatters your confidence. Other than just being a nuisance, it is seriously harmful. People with large amounts of belly fat are at increased risk of many harmful diseases like Type ll diabetes and heart disease, to name a few.

belly fat

Image Source: goodtoknow

What Causes It?

Just like any other part of the body, belly fat accumulates because of poor eating habits, and general lack of physical exercise. Too many calories and not enough exercise to burn them causes an imbalance, and the caloric input starts to outweigh the caloric output.

• Carbohydrates, or sugar, play a huge role in weight gain. Our bodies run on glucose, but it’s not always a good thing. Excess carbohydrates are converted into fat if not they’re not burned, again leading to fat deposits. Where you gain weight? That’s predetermined by your genes.

• Water retention in the body also makes your belly seem fatter. It is caused by not drinking enough water throughout the day, leading to a bloated stomach. This can be combated by remaining hydrated throughout the day.

• Alcohol, taken in high amounts, leads to liver problems, inflammation, but also to belly fat.

• Tran’s fats are the worst kinds of fats found in food. They’re usually added to store items such as biscuits, cakes, crackers to extend their shelf time. They are also dominant in cooking oils, butter and margarine. They have been proven to show the contribution to insulin resistance, and in the long run, belly fat.

• Low protein diets are catalysts for belly fat accumulation. Why do you ask? It’s simple. High protein meals make you feel satisfied and full after eating them and prevent you from binge eating other food sources, such as carbohydrates. With a full belly, you won’t be tempted to keep eating, and will ultimately lead to maintaining a healthy weight.

• Stress is also a factor of belly fat gain which must be taken into consideration. Cortisol is a hormone which is released in response to stress signals, but unfortunately, it promotes fat storage, especially in the abdominal region

• Low fiber diets, similarly to low protein diets, also cause fat gain. Just like proteins, dietary fiber helps keep your body satiated and prevents hunger pangs

• Not getting enough exercise plays a huge role in belly fat accumulation. When your calorie expenditure is less than your calorie absorption, fat begins to deposit. A sedentary lifestyle leads to all sorts of health problems, more prominently, heart disease and obesity. Studies have shown that adults who do not have an active lifestyle are more likely to gain weight centered in the abdominal region

How Can We Get Rid of It?

Belly fat is the most stubborn type of fat to lose. Experts often debate whether spot reduction actually works or not, but there are a few things they all agree on.

A Healthy Diet – One of the most crucial elements of a healthy body is a healthy diet. Experts suggest a rainbow diet, meaning eating all sorts of fruits and vegetables, being sure to include a suitable amount of dietary fiber and essential vitamins and minerals. Excellent sources of proteins include red meat, milk, eggs, almonds etc. Excellent sources of fiber are flax seeds, legumes and pulses, and avocados. There are many fad diets such as Keto diets, in which an individual completely removes carbohydrates from their diet. These diet plans are not recommended, as they can cause deprivation, and the fat lost by this way usually comes back almost immediately.

It is Just a Temporary Solution. Instead, one should practice portion control, which is a long term solution. Reduction of unhealthy foods such as Trans fats and excess carbohydrates from one’s diet is an important point to keep in mind. Anything that comes in a box or wrapping, stay away from it. Eat natural, organic food. Eliminating refined foods is also crucial.

Staying Hydrated –  There is no doubt that avoids dehydration is very important for our body. Not drinking enough water causes water retention in the belly, and surprisingly, this problem can be solved by drinking at least 7-8 glasses of water a day, depending on your area and age.

Exercise –  It should come as no surprise by now that physical exercise is crucial to weight loss. This includes cardio exercises, HIIT exercises, and resistance exercises. These work by inducing a faster heart beat and cause the body to burn energy to continue the workout, leading to fat loss. The rate at which an individual loses weight depends on them and varies from person to person. It is usually harder to lose weight for obese people, or aged people, as the fat accumulation in their bodies has usually fixed itself in its place. Still, it is not impossible, and patience and determination are required.

Weight Loss Slimming Belts – Slimming belts are made of neoprene, and are wrapped around the belly. They act by compressing the fat cells, thus aid in fat loss. Wearing a weight loss slimming belt during cardiovascular exercise enhances the fat burning rate by raising the body’s core temperature, and inducing more sweating. Although these slimming belts give the impression of a smaller belly, the fat cells will return to normal size once the belt is removed. So it can be debated whether slimming belts have any long term effect on fat loss.

Sauna Steam Baths – Similarly to slimming belts, saunas also promote sweating, which reduces water weight due to the high temperature of the steam. Though this may help in losing weight, one isn’t doing any physical exercise, which may or may not means that no weight is actually lost.

In conclusion, the basic requirements for weight loss naturally are incorporating a healthy diet, proper exercise, and most importantly, patience and determination. Results will not be visible immediately and vary from person to person. You will need to be patient to get those. Commitment to weight loss is vital.
Remember, nothing is impossible.


About Author:

Rida Habib is a freelance writer and blogger. She also writes detailed reviews of best waist slimming belt.


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