4 Natural Home Remedies To Get Rid of Skin Tags

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Skin tags are such an irritating problem because they destroy completely our beauty. More seriously, they often appear in areas which are open to the public, such as eyes, neck or underarms.

You will see the appearance of skin tags as a consequence of rubbing against skin. And there are many causes for these skin issues. In particular, you are more likely to see skin tags if you suffer from some health problems, such as obesity or diabetes. They are also common among pregnant women because of their sudden hormonal changes.
Be careful that even scratches from shaving or wearing jewelry can lead to skin tags. Thus, you should have proper ways to prevent that.

Skin tags hardly fade away soon. Therefore, if you want to eradicate this problem, you have to intervene. With some natural ingredients, it is recommended to be the best way to treat this problem safely. Let’s check our list and start the process of gaining your flawless skin immediately by erasing the worries of skin tags.

Best Natural Home Remedies For Skin Tags

1 – Tea Tree Oil

This is a painless method to help you eliminate skin tags safely and quickly. Tea tree oil has been well-known for its amazing benefits on human skin for centuries. You may at least hear about them if you are concerned about skin care.

Its antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal nature is perfectly suitable for drying out your irritating skin tags. As a result, they will finally fall off themselves. No more need for your intervention!

But how to use it? Tea tree oil is not suggested to be applied instantly on the skin because it is quite strong. Instead, you had better mix it with water first. The ratio can be 3 drops of oil and a cup of water. Then, a cotton swab can be used to help you dab the mixture on the skin.

You are free to think about applying this method up to 3 times on a daily basis. This will help your skin absorb nutrients better.


2 – Coconut Oil

Many benefits of coconut oil have been widely accepted not only by people but also by professional researchers. And many of them are related to skin enhancement. To sum up, countless benefits can urge you to use this essential oil to improve your skin immediately.

Lauric acid is present much in coconut oil and this provides such great qualities, such as antiviral, antibacterial or antifungal. All of them contribute to protecting our skin from various problems.

The recommendation is to use coconut oil to remove skin tags quickly. The best time to use it is before bedtime. Within several weeks, you will notice the disappearance of skin tags. In the same way, you can deal with warts easily.


3 – Dandelion

Dandelion might remind you of beautiful scenes with flowers flying in the air. No, dandelion can be applied in a more practical way. To be specific, dandelion can support your treatment of skin tags.

Few people are actually aware of the health benefits of dandelion. It is happy to know that it contains such a great number of minerals and vitamins. These essential nutrients allow your skin to be free from excessive tissues. As a result, skin tags will be gone quickly.

You should use the fresh dandelion by harvesting it from the garden. Then, its root should be squeezed to get milky sap. All you need is around 3 drops to apply over affected skin area and you had better follow it 3 times on a daily basis. Normally, the problem will be better after one month, but the time can vary from a person to another.


4 – Oregano Oil

Another perfect choice for the treatment of skin tags is oregano oil. It is well-known for its amazing antifungal quality which plays an essential role in treating many skin conditions. Skin tags are just one of them. For the best results, you had better go for organic oregano oil. You can even make it at home with little time and energy.

First, you get some fresh oregano and then, infuse it with the participation of olive oil in some weeks. Later, get them strained. Olive oil can be replaced with other oils, such as jojoba.

Oregano oil should be used on our skin 3 times on a daily basis. Remember to cover this area with the bandage to make the skin absorb nutrients more quickly and efficiently. You should be patient with this method until skin tags disappear on their own.


  1. Natural remedies are actually helpful for treating many skin problems. I suffered from skin tags for a very long time and I know how it feels. These treatments are the best because they usually never come with bad side effects. I was able to got rid of my skin tags by using oregano oil. Thanks for sharing.


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